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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-01Public confidence and its impact on the performance and stability of banks in ZimbabwePhiri, Caleb; Muponda, Godfrey
2016-01Modelling consumer behaviour conceptually through the seven Ps of marketing: A revised theoretical generic consumer stimulus-response modelMuzondo, Noel;;
2014Critical issues in destination (re)branding: Evidence from Zimbabwe’s national tourism organisationHurombo, Brighton; Muzondo, Noel; Kaseke, Nyasha
2015Exploring the root causes of the de-industrialization of the Zimbabwe's manufacturing sector (2009-2014)Muponda, Godfrey
2014Operational challenges of informal trading: A case of Mbare Mupedzanhamo Flea Market in Harare, ZimbabweMupambireyi, Pakuromunhu. Freddie; Chaneta, Isaac; Maravanyika, Denis
2015Effectiveness of visual merchandising on customer supermarket choiceZinyemba, A
2013-09Survival strategies of small firms located in a Marshallian Industrial District: A case study of Zimbabwe's furniture manufacturing industryMuponda, Godfrey
2014-06Perceptions of middle managers on talent development and management in business organisations in ZimbabweSai, Judias Peter; Zinyemba, Alice Z; Mutana, Sarudzai
2014-06Production operations management in small firm clusters: An alternative view from the Zimbabwean experienceMuponda, Godfrey; Chaneta, Isaac
2014-06Enhancing business opportunity identification processes in Zimbabwe's manufacturing sector: The case of Harare's manufacturing setorGumbe, Samuel M.; Chaneta, Isaac
2013-09Organisations' social responsibilityChaneta, Isaac
2013Service Delivery of Non-Governmental Organisations in Zimbabwe: Challenges and StrategiesZinyemba, Alice; Zinyemba, Ranga
2014Collaborative Capacity and Capability EnhancementMadzivire, Alex Benjamin (Dr);
2014Collaborative Setting Up of Distinctive Structures and SystemsMadzivire, Alex Benjamin (Dr);
2014Collaborative Designing of Distinctive Value streamsMadzivire, Alex Benjamin (Dr);
2014Collaborative Development of Distinctive PromisesMadzivire, Alex Benjamin (Dr);
2014Collaborative Expression of Stakeholder Needs and ExpectationsMadzivire, Alex Benjamin (Dr);
2014Collaborative Listening to Business StakeholdersMadzivire, Alex Benjamin (Dr);
2014Holding Collaborative Promise Delivery Forums with StaffMadzivire, Alex Benjamin (Dr);
2010Usability of Eisenhardt’s Process in the Emerging Economy of ZimbabweMadzivire, Alex B.;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47