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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 158
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-11Outcomes of early post traumatic seizures in head injury patients at Parirenyatwa hospitalMwale, Garikai; R910372D
2016-11Association of serum c-reactive protein concentrations with severity of preeclampsia and imminent eclampsia in pregnant women in ZimbabweMutsaka, Kudzaishe Elizabeth; R113024L
2016-11A survey of anaesthetic drug availability: Impact on practice of anaesthesia and patient care in HarareNyakatawa, Gerald T.
2016-11Effect of irbesartan on blood glucose levels in a mice model of type 2 diabetes mellitusMangoyi, Japhet; R089431Y
2016-11An analysis of the visual acuity outcomes following surgical repair of penetrating corneal injuries among patients seen at Sekuru Kaguvi Hospital (SKH), eye unit at Parirenyatwa Central Hospital in Harare, ZimbabweMashaka, Wicliff; R910387T
2016-11Prevalence of Cutaneous Human Papillomavirus infections at Parirenyatwa hospital's Kaposi Sarcoma Clinic and the Opportunistic Infections Clinic: Association with Non- Melanoma Skin CancersMurahwa, Alltalents T.; R0021272
2016-11Preoperative anxiety levels in obstetric patients receiving spinal anaesthesia: Does an information booklet reduce anxiety and improve quality of anaesthesia?Machaya, Tatenda Belinda
2016-11A study to determine the relationship between prevalence of late stage diagnosis of cervical cancer and number of comorbid illness in women aged 65 years and above in ZimbabweKagura, Yvonne; R029290H
2016-11Renal dysfunction in HIV positive patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)Maramba, Patience Julia; R032760X
2016-06Factors associated with defaulting among women initiated on option B+ in urban clinics- 2015Muchenje, Ester
2016-06Relationship between knowledge levels of high active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and adherence levels of HAART among HIV positive pregnant women aged 15 to 49 years attending antenatal care at Marondera provincial hospital, Family Child Health department, ZimbabweNyamutsamba, Helen
2016-06Factors associated with sexually transmitted infections among youths in Umguza district, 2014Mzyece, Busisiwe
2016-06The effect of simvastatin and rosuvastatin on relieving the symptoms of alzheimer's disease in a mouse modelKanyemba, Alice
2016-06Prevalence of post-tuberculosis airflow obstruction in patients who have completed pulmonary tuberculosis treatment at two infectious disease hospitals in ZimbabweNyagura, Tatenda
2016-06Prevalence and risk factors for diabetes chronic complications in Harare, ZimbabweSaravoye, Tapera; R983698N
2016-06Assessment of the absorption profile of ascorbic acid as a biomarker for moringa oleifera lam absorption after a bolus oral doseChipako, Isaac
2016-05Factors associated with respiratory distress in the newborn, Harare maternity hospital, 2013Tshilumba, S.
2016-05Assessment of risk perception of teratogenicity of commonly used drugs among pregnant womenMarote, Cythia
2016-06Outcome of stavudine induced peripheral neuropathy in HIV-1 positive patients switched or substituted to a non-stavudine-based regimenGorejena-Chidawanyika, Pamela
2016-05Factors associated with late presentation to HIV/AIDS care in Harare City , 2015Nyika, Howard
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 158