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Title: An Evaluation of Agricultural Extension Services Support to Women Farmers in Zimbabwe with special reference to Makonde District
Authors: Moyo, Sam
Mutuma, P.M.
Mangoya, S.
Keywords: agriculture
extension services
women farmers
Makonde District
Issue Date: Jun-1987
Citation: Moyo, Sam et al. (1989). An Evaluation of Agricultural Extension Services Support to Women Farmers in Zimbabwe with special reference to Makonde District. Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies. 81p.
Series/Report no.: Consultancy Reports;12
Abstract: This report presents the results of an investigation of the nature and patterns of agricultural extension services to women and their effectiveness in Zimbabwe. It is based on a detailed survey of Makonde district in Mashonaland West Province, focusing on the relationship of agricultural extension services to the various socio-demographic, resource structure, economic, rganizational, and perceptual features of women farmers. It also assesses the activities, practices and perceptions of agricultural extension workers and administrators as part of a broader attempt to evaluate agricultural extension policy within the framework of the Government's overall agricultural policy. The aim is to assist Government and non-governmental organisations providing related services to women to improve their extension services to women farmers.
Appears in Collections:IDS Consultancy Reports

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