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Title: Agricultural collective co-operation: A case study of the socio-economic viability of the Makoni District Union of Co-operatives. Part I: The socio-economic features of the collectives.
Authors: Moyo, Sam
Sunga, Ishmael
Masuko, Louis
Keywords: Agriculuture
collective co-operation
Makoni District Union
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies
Citation: Moyo, Sam et al. (1991). Agricultural collective co-operation: A case study of the socio-economic viability of the Makoni District Union of Co-operatives. Part I: The socio-economic features of the collectives. Zimbabwe Institute of Development Studies;
Series/Report no.: Consultancy Reports;21
Abstract: This study on agricultural collectives is one instalment of part of the ZIDS research programme on the Agrarian Question dealing with Zimbabwe's reform programme since Independence. Although it has been conducted as a consultancy project, for which ZIDS is grateful to HIVOS of Holland which provided the funding and to the Makoni District Union for its collaboration, it forms a critical element in the on-going research programme. The study has also provided a useful platform for testing ideas on participatory research and engagements with popular organizations as opposed to policy research work directed mainly at the State bureaucracies and similar institutions. It is hoped that this will begin a process of useful research practice prevalent in the country. A particularly useful institutional process in this study has been the active collaboration between ZIDS and various departments, especially at field level, and again with University of Zimbabwe scholars, which we hope will continue.
Appears in Collections:IDS Consultancy Reports

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