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Title: Annual report for the Allex project in 1998
Authors: Grønvik, Oddrun
Chimhundu, Herbert
Keywords: Annual report
Allex project
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: African Languages Research Institute, University of Zimbabwe
Citation: Grønvik, Oddrun and Chimhundu, Herbert. Annual Report for the Allex Project in 1998. Harare: ALRI, University of Zimbabwe, 1998.
Description: The annual report for The ALLEX Project 1998 was produced jointly in Oslo and Harare by Oddrun Grønvik and Dr. Herbert Chimhundu on the basis of reports, meetings, minutes etc during the year and decisions taken during the ALLEX planning meeting i Oslo 30.11.-4.12.1998. The report was presented for comments to the whole of the ALLEX team in January - February 1999, and all comments are integrated.
Appears in Collections:ALLEX-Project Documents/Publications

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