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Title: An Afro-centred View of HIV/AIDS as a Long Term European Project in Africa
Authors: Muhwati, Itai
Keywords: Europe
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe Publications
Abstract: Aids is an inverted colonialism. For this reason, the paper discusses HIV/AIDS as a new technology of African domination and exploitation in the 21st century and beyond. It transcends the mere understanding of HIV/AIDS in purely medical terms by locating it within the context of the ideological value thrust of the European cultural thought and behaviour, where the need for self-significance and superiority has degenerated into a form of pathology. The paper contends that HIV/AIDS must be understood within the context of Europe’s obsession with black xenophobia, power and domination. In this regard, it is not different from a conveyor belt of other European projects on African genocide like slavery, colonialism, neo-colonialism, globalisation and many others.
Description: This paper was accepted for publication by Zambezia and will appear in Vol.33 No.1.
Appears in Collections:African Languages Staff Publications

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