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Title: The impact of patriarchy on women advancement to strategic leadership positions in Zimbabwe’s private sector.
Authors: Chironga, Paidamoyo H
Keywords: African women leaders
Women's identity development
Zimbabwe Women Coalition
Masculinity and leadership
Zimbabwe Private sector
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Chironga, P. H. (2020). The impact of patriarchy on women advancement to strategic leadership positions in Zimbabwe’s private sector. [Unpublished master's thesis]. University of Zimbabwe.
Abstract: The study investigated on the impact of patriarchal related challenges faced by women in strategic leadership positions within Zimbabwe‘s Private sector. The proposition which guided the study was patriarchy diminishes the number of women to rise to strategic leadership positions in Zimbabwe. Male dominance, socialisation and stereotyping were concepts used to inform the study. The study was informed by the interpretivist paradigm in which the explorative research design was adopted. Documentary research and key informant interviews were used to collect primary data. The interviews were from eight organisations with women strategic leaders. For secondary data, material from internet sources such as AfroBarometer and reports on Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation were used. Data analysis was done using thematic analysis for primary data and content analysis for secondary data. The study findings showed that, patriarchy has a major influence on the rise of women to strategic leadership positions. Even though there have been strides to promote gender equality in the macro level positions, women in Zimbabwe still cannot be at par with men. Men and even some women do not support female leadership and this poses a threat to the effectiveness of women in leadership. However, lack of resources and support also contribute to women‘s ineffectiveness in achieving their leadership goals. The proposition was confirmed to a larger extent as research findings showed that patriarchy diminishes the effectiveness of women in strategic leadership within the Zimbabwean private sector. The recommendations suggest that, there should be unity among women to secure and effect the inclusion of women in strategic leadership positions. There is also need to change the gender stereotyping of women, there is need to include strategies for promoting gender equity and building confidence and positive self-esteem among women. Based on the research findings and recommendations, the study provided theoretical and practical implications. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Business Management Sciences and Economics e-Theses Collection

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