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Title: The Flash Back and the Flash Forward Techniques in Ndebele Novels
Authors: Ndlovu, Matshakayile
Keywords: Ndebele
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe Publications
Citation: Ndlovu, Matshakayile.''The Flash Back and the Flash Forward Techniques in Ndebele Novels.'' Zambezia 28.2 (2001): 189-198.
Abstract: This article examines how Ndebele fiction employs the flash-back and flashforward techniques. It observes that use of letters, old pictures and unplanned meeting of old friends are the common tools of flash-back while dreams, omens and superstitions are used for flash-forward. It also evaluates the effectiveness of these techniques by examining a number of Ndebele novels and concludes by stating that it is important for the reader to have knowledge of Ndebele culture in order to gain access to the meaning of the various incidents communicated through those techniques.
ISSN: 0379-0622
Appears in Collections:African Languages Staff Publications

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