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dc.contributor.authorManzungu, E-
dc.identifier.citationManzungu, E, (2001), ''A Lost Opportunity: The Case of the Water Reform Debate in the Fourth Parliament of Zimbabwe'', Zambezia, vol. 28, no.1, pp 97-120.en
dc.description.abstractThis article analyses the debate on water reform that took place in the fourth Parliament of Zimbabwe leading up to the enactment of the Water Act [Chapter 20: 24] and the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) Act [Chapter 20: 25]. It assesses how Members of Parliament tried to ensure the utilisation and management of the country’s water resources for the benefit of their constituencies, most of them disadvantaged smallholder farmers, and the nation in general. Using Moore (1989)’s critique of the neo-liberal doctrine in water management, that emphasizes “the market” and technical efficiency, as water use-regulating mechanisms, it is argued that the debate failed to push for a more people-oriented water reform. This is illustrated in the article with regards to the goal of the reform torn between economictechnical and social objectives, lack of strong local institutions to further the democratic ideals and poor financing of water resource development. Overall the debate failed to place on the national agenda sustainable water development. Perhaps at a later date the lost opportunity can be regained by way of amending the concerned Acts of parliament.en
dc.format.extent98450 bytes-
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabwe Publicationsen
dc.titleA Lost Opportunity: The Case of the Water Reform Debate in the Fourth Parliament of Zimbabween
Appears in Collections:Soil Science Staff Publications

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