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Title: An analysis of the influence of selected knowledge management success factors on the performance of retail organisations in Zimbabwe.
Authors: Gambakwe, Ester
Keywords: modern business
digital economy
selected success factor of Knowledge Management
performance of retail organisations in Zimbabwe.
critical success factors of Knowledge Management
Issue Date: Oct-2019
Citation: Gambakwe, E. (2015). An analysis of the influence of selected knowledge management success factors on the performance of retail organisations in Zimbabwe. [Unpublished masters thesis]. University of Zimbabwe.
Abstract: This research adopted a quantitative methodology to study the influence of selected success factor of Knowledge Management initiative on the performance of retail organisations in Zimbabwe. The study considered the research topical given numerous literature sources suggesting that Knowledge Management is evolving into a new strategic framework for modern business in the digital economy. A sample of 153 participants was drawn from randomly selected retail organisations. Data was gathered using the questionnaire instrument. The study was keen to test and verify the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between selected Knowledge Management success factors and the performance of retail organisations. The study found that organisational culture, leadership commitment, ICT infrastructure, measurement and evaluation capabilities of the organisation, structure, roles and responsibilities of knowledge sharing individuals as well as employee and customer needs in a knowledge sharing organisation setting were critical success factors of Knowledge Management in a retail business. All of these factors were found to be positively related to organisational performance brought about through Knowledge Management initiative. The study had ample evidence to accept the hypothesis stated initially and managed to address the questions and fulfill the objectives that the research was out to achieve.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences e-Theses Collection

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