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dc.contributor.authorMushayabasa, Steady-
dc.contributor.authorBhunu, Claver P.-
dc.contributor.authorNgarakana-Gwasira, Ethel T.-
dc.identifier.citationMushayabasa, S., Bhunu, C. P., & Ngarakana-Gwasira, E. T. (2013). Assessing the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of typhoid fever. Computational Biology Journal, Vol 2013.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractTyphoid fever continues to be a major public health problem in the developing world. Antibiotic therapy has been the main stay of treating typhoid fever for decades. The emergence of drug-resistant typhoid strain in the last two decades has been a major problem in tackling this scourge. A mathematical model for investigating the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of typhoid fever is developed. The reproductive number for the model has been computed. Numerical results in this study suggest that when a typhoid outbreak occurs with more drug-sensitive cases than drug-resistant cases, then it may take 10–15 months for symptomatic drug-resistant cases to outnumber all typhoid cases, and it may take an average of 15–20 months for non symptomatic drug-resistant cases to outnumber all drug-sensitive cases.en_ZW
dc.subjectTyphoid feveren_ZW
dc.subjectAntibiotic therapyen_ZW
dc.subjectdrug-resistant typhoiden_ZW
dc.subjectreproductive numberen_ZW
dc.titleAssessing the impact of drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of Typhoid fever.en_ZW
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics Staff Publications

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