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dc.contributor.authorChihambakwe, Michelle-
dc.contributor.authorMafongoya, Paramu, L.-
dc.contributor.authorJiri, Obert-
dc.identifier.citationChihambakwe, M., Mafongoya, P.L., and Jiri, O. (2018). Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture as A Pathway to Food Security: A Review Mapping the Use of Food Sovereignty. Challenges,10(6), 1-12.en_ZW
dc.description.abstractRenewed interest in the nexus between sustainability and food security has led to growing discussions on the use of food sovereignty principles in agricultural practice. As a result of the transfiguration of the urban and socioeconomic landscape in the global South, urban and peri-urban agriculture has been touted as a potential response to increasing food insecurity in cities. Yet, both urban and peri-urban agriculture and food sovereignty have attracted cursory scholarship and programming in Zimbabwe due to fixation on more dominant rural and conventional agriculture. Beyond the rudimentary idea that the urban landscape is unfit for food production, literature has demonstrated that urban households have ingrained urban and peri-urban agriculture into their livelihoods. Regardless, institutional arrangements governing the practice remain ambivalent towards the practice, bringing to question the ability of households to fully exploit the benefits of the practice. This review underscores that failure to involve of all stakeholders undermines urban and peri-urban agriculture, consequently leading to heightened food insecurity and use of unsustainable practices. By delving into the political economy of food, we hope to stimulate discussion centered on food sovereignty within and urban spaces and beyond.en_ZW
dc.subjectfood securityen_ZW
dc.subjectfood sovereigntyen_ZW
dc.subjecturban and peri-urban agricultureen_ZW
dc.subjecturban cultivatorsen_ZW
dc.subjectclimate changeen_ZW
dc.titleUrban and Peri-Urban Agriculture as A Pathway to Food Security: A Review Mapping the Use of Food Sovereigntyen_ZW
dc.title.alternativeA Review Mapping the Use of Food Sovereigntyen_ZW
Appears in Collections:Agricultural Economics Staff Publications

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