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Title: A Guide for Farmers on Good Land Husbandry: Tillage Implements
Keywords: land husbandry
tillage implements
Issue Date: 10-Jul-2006
Description: This guide results from a collaborative effort based on the work and contributions from the following institutions and individuals: Zimbabwe Farmers Union (ZFU) : Mrs V. Mandishona (Chief Education and Training Officer); Mr P. Zakariya (Training Officer); Mr J. Chimwanda (Masvingo Provincial Farmer Organiser); Mr P. Mushure (Masvingo ZFU Provincial Committee Member and Communal Farmer); Mr N. Ramwidzai (ZFU member and farmer from Sanyati Communal Area); Mr Mbayo (District Officer – Murewa); Mrs Zenu (Murewa District Training Officer); ZFU Farmers Groups in Murewa and Zimuto Communal Areas Department for Agricultural Technical and Extension Services (Agritex) Engineering Branch, Institute of Agricultural Engineering: Mr I. Chatizwa (Researcher); Ms B. Mudamburi (Training Officer Draught Animal Power) Soil and Water Conservation Branch, Institute of Agricultural Engineering: Mr I. Nyagumbo (Senior Soil and Water Conservation Specialist); Mr. M. Munyati (Senior Soil and Water Conservation Specialist) Masvingo Province: Mr. N. Rufu (Senior Agronomist and Crop Production Specialist) Agritex/GTX Contill Project Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDEP): Dr M. Leupold (Team Leader); Mr. M. Connolly (Advisor to Agritex Masvingo); Mr R. Shuva (Graphic Artist) Department for Research and Specialist Services (DRSS) Agronomy Institute: Mr. S. Mabasa (Head of Weed Research Team); Mr. H. Dhliwayo (Principal Research Officer, Crop Production Unit, Makoholi Experiment Station); Mr T. Gatsi (Economist); Mr S. Nyahunzvi (Weed Research Team); Mr. V Zaravashe (Crop Production Unit, Makoholi Experiment Station); Mr C. Madzima (Crop Production Unit, Makoholi Experiment Station) Cotton Research Institute: Mr TT Mashavira (Principal Cotton Research Agronomist); Mr. D. Musambari (CottonAgronomist, Cotton Research Institute) Lowveld Research Station: Mr I. Mharapara (Head); Mr E. Mazhangara (Principal Economics Research Officer); Mr. F. Mugabe (Soil Physicist) Institute Of Environmental Studies (IES), University of Zimbabwe: Mr Edward Chuma Cotton Training Centre (CTC)– Kadoma: Mr. G. Rabey (Director) and his staff CARE – Masvingo: Mr. G. Tobaiwa (Assistant Project Manager, CARE Small Dams Project); Mr C. Mazhata (Senior Field Officer); Mr C. Gumbo (Field Officer); Ms K. Chamba (Field Officer); Mr. C. Chikomba (Field Officer) Intermediate Technology Development Group Zimbabwe (ITDG): Mr K. Murwira (Programme Manager, Agricultural Programme) Silsoe Research Institute: Dr S. Twomlow (Soil and Water Specialist); Mr J. Ellis-Jones (Economist); Dr J. Hagmann (Participatory Extension Specialist); Mr. Soren Dreyer (Soil Conservationist); Mr S. Briggs (Agricultural Engineer); Mr F.B. van der Meer (Soil Scientist) Natural Resources Institute (NRI) : Dr C. Riches (Weed Scientist) Swedish Co-operative Centre : Ms M. Brdarski Out Reach Programme- Hinton Estates: Mr A. Norton; Mr. B. Oldrieve
Appears in Collections:Extension and Training Materials for Farmers

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