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Title: The rules of civil procedure in the magistrates courts of Zimbabwe: when rules of civil procedure become an enemy of justice to self-actors.
Authors: Matsikidze, Rodgers
Keywords: Access to justice
Rules of civil procedure
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe
Citation: Matsikidze, R. (2019).The rules of civil procedure in the magistrates courts of Zimbabwe: when rules of civil procedure become an enemy of justice to self-actors.University of Zimbabwe Law Journal, 2(1), 77-92.
Abstract: Access to justice is central to justice delivery in any democratic society. Most initiatives in Zimbabwe on access to justice are focused on the substantive law. Recently an attempt was made to reform rules of civil procedure but it appeared the exercise was more of gap filling than a real reform. There was no specific goal and the method was not inclusive particularly of the most affected litigant-the selfactor. This paper proposes a number of approaches that can be utilised to ensure that access to the court is enhanced. The main approach being advanced is simplification of rules of civil procedure. Once litigants are able to bring their matters to the courts then delivery of justice is enhanced.
ISSN: 2617-2046
Appears in Collections:Legal Postgraduate Programmes Staff Publications

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