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Title: Turnaround strategies for distressed Zimbabwean companies operating under judicial management
Authors: Kandwe, C
Ruturi, S
Madzikanda, D. D
Keywords: Corporate turnaround strategy
Judicial management
Post judicial management order performance
Financial distress
Issue Date: Dec-2016
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Commerce
Citation: Kandwe, C., Ruturi, S. & Madzikanda, D.D. (2016). Turnaround strategies for distressed Zimbabwean companies operating under judicial management. University of Zimbabwe Business Review, 4 (2), 18-29.
Abstract: Many Zimbabwean companies facing financial distress and having gone under judicial management, which is supposed to be recuperative, have failed to recover. Studies indicate that more than 80% of companies under judicial management end up in liquidation, raising the concern of the judicial managers’ skills and competencies. This study, therefore, sought to assess the efficacy of strategies implemented by Zimbabwean companies placed under judicial management and the judicial manager’s skills and competencies in turning around companies within a reasonable time.
ISSN: 1819-2971
Appears in Collections:GSM Staff Publications

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