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Title: Knowledge Management dimensions and their impact on retail performance in Zimbabwe
Authors: Gambakwe, Ester
Sandada, Maxwell
Keywords: Knowledge management
Corporate culture
Organisational structure
Retail organisations
Issue Date: Dec-2016
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Commerce
Citation: Gambakwe, E. & Sandada, M. (2016). Knowledge Management dimensions and their impact on retail performance in Zimbabwe. University of Zimbabwe Business Review, 4 (2), 42-49.
Abstract: The importance of Knowledge Management (KM) in retail organisations is widely acknowledged by many Human Resources practitioners and academicians in Zimbabwe and the world over, yet there seems to be a paucity of research in this field. To address this dearth of published studies, the current study seeks to investigate the impact of KM success factors namely leadership, corporate culture, Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, measurement and evaluation, employee needs, organisational structure, and roles and responsibilities on retail performance in Zimbabwe. The conceptualised model and the hypothesis are empirically validated using a sample of 175 retailers in Harare, Zimbabwe. The findings reveal that leadership, corporate culture, IT infrastructure, measurement and evaluation, organisational structure, and roles and responsibilities are significant predictors of retail performance. However, employee needs did not show a significant effect on retail performance. Therefore, to improve their performance, retail organisations should make efforts to invest in KM initiatives.
ISSN: 1819-2971
Appears in Collections:GSM Staff Publications

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