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dc.contributor.authorChikuku, Tauyanashe-
dc.contributor.authorMushiri, Tawanda-
dc.contributor.authorMombeyarara, Panashe-
dc.identifier.citationMushiri, T., Mombeyarara, P., and Chikuku, T. (2017, June 20). Design of a manually operated paper recycling machine. Paper presented at the ACRID EAI International Conference for Research, Innovation and Development for Africa, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.en_US
dc.descriptionConference paperen_US
dc.description.abstractPaper is used daily with learning institutions such as universities and schools being the main consumers. Due to its single usage it ends up being disposed hence most of the paper waste remains idle and unutilized although it is a valuable resource. Therefore, this paper explores the design of a cheap and efficient manually operated paper recycling machine. The design used integration of acquired knowledge on the recycling technology, existing manually operated and available paper recycling machines to form a cheap but efficient paper recycling machine. The benefits of the machine are not only centred on the merits of recycling paper but by the in-cooperation of the manually driving system which will also curb the high unemployment rates in developing countries. Due to the design being not 100% efficient due to the gear box, belt and chain transmission, the estimated efficiency is equal to 90% but using the 90% for design, the design power input is 450 watts and since an average person can produce 100 Watts constantly therefore 5 people are necessary to drive the machine.en_US
dc.subjectPaper recyclingen_US
dc.subjectPaper waste managementen_US
dc.titleDesign of a manually operated paper recycling machineen_US
Appears in Collections:Mechanical Engineering Conference Papers

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