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Title: Determining the impact of selected success factors on the adoption of E-banking in the Zimbabwean banking industry
Authors: Sandada, Maxwell
Simbarashe, Nyarai
Shamhuyenhanzva, Roy
Keywords: Electronic banking
Critical success factors
Internet adoption
Banking industry
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: E u r o E c o n o m i c a
Citation: Sandada, M., Simbarashe, N. & Shamhuyenhanzva, R. (2016). Determining the impact of selected success factors on the adoption of E-banking in the Zimbabwean banking industry. E u r o E c o n o m i c a Finance, Banking and Accounting, 2 (35), 102-118.
Abstract: Technological advances have altered business systems and processes paving way for more efficient cost saving banking processes such as electronic banking (e-banking). The aim of this study was to address the growing concern of the low adoption of electronic banking in Zimbabwe. This has been achieved by investigating the significant impact of five pre-determined critical success factors on the adoption of electronic banking services in Zimbabwe namely customer trust, cost, resistance to change, awareness and perceived usefulness. The research provides great insight on models utilized in previous studies drawing arguments which allowed a thorough construction of the research process and increased the validity of the research. The research is quantitative in nature. 150 respondents participated in the survey. The results revealed that of the five factors, only awareness and perceived usefulness exhibited a significant impact on the adoption of electronic banking in Zimbabwe. Therefore such understanding allowed for the establishment of crucial strategic managerial and legislative recommendations aimed at increasing the level of awareness and perceived usefulness and subsequently increase the level of adoption of electronic banking in Zimbabwe.
ISSN: 1582-8859
Appears in Collections:GSM Staff Publications

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