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Title: Technical analysis and subsequent optimization of a Solar Rural Mini Grid: Case of Mashaba PV Mini Grid-Gwanda
Authors: Chingosho, Hilton
Keywords: rural mini grid
technical analysis
Solar energy
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Chingosho, H. (2017). Technical analysis and subsequent optimization of a Solar Rural Mini Grid: Case of Mashaba PV Mini Grid-Gwanda.(Unpublished master's thesis). University of Zimbabwe.
Abstract: Electric power is a key driver of economic growth and prosperity. But access to electricity remains a distant dream for majority of the population living in the remote and arid areas of developing countries. With the growing demand for safe and reliable energy, solar irradiation as a source of energy remains the least utilized resource in the Zimbabwean energy matrix and yet being one of the safest, cost effective and accessible form of energy. Mashaba Solar power station has been reporting poor performance due to known or unknown technical reasons. The project developers are desperate to improve the power plant performance, increase reliability and generation consistency but are at present failing to understand the reasons for underperformance. The plant has failed to achieve seamless operations as noticed through frequent grid failures from the onset of plant commissioning.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering & The Built Environment e-Theses Collection

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