Conference Papers
: [14]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2006-06-22T13:47:54Z | International Developments in Intellectual Property | Nicholson, Denise |
2006-06-22T13:42:06Z | Open Access and Libraries in Zimbabwe: a Case Study of UZ | Mbambo, Buhle |
2006-06-22T13:39:03Z | Intellectual Property and Access to Information in Zimbabwe | Matsika, Kathy |
2006-06-22T13:37:37Z | The Reproduction Rights Organisation of Zimbabwe | Chilongo, Greenfield K. |
2006-06-22T13:36:02Z | IFLA’S Stand on IP and Copyright, Open Access and Information Society | Asamoah–Hassan, Helena |
2006-06-22T13:34:17Z | Copyright and Thesis in Africa | Obogu, Felix.N |
2006-06-22T13:26:56Z | In Persuit of a Chimera: Making Information and Knowledge Accessible to all | Ngulube, Patrick |
2006-06-22T13:25:43Z | Intellectual Property and Knowledge Development | Muzite, S |
2006-06-22T13:23:08Z | "Information for all and Rural Communities" | Moyo, Obadiah |
2006-06-22T13:20:09Z | Learning and Access to Information in Zimbabwe | Maenzanise, J.L |
2006-06-22T13:17:17Z | Open and Distance Learning and the Creation of a Knowledge Society in Zimbabwe. | Kurasha, Primrose |
2006-06-22T13:15:04Z | Benefits of the IP System for Universities and R & D Institutions | Kanhukanwe, Q.C. |
2006-06-22T10:20:48Z | Information and Knowledge Management and Access to Information | Hikwa, Lawton |
2006-06-22T10:03:09Z | The Future of Information Access | Chiware, Elisha |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14