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dc.contributor.authorEssimengane, B.-
dc.contributor.authorMushiri, T.-
dc.contributor.authorMbohwa, C.-
dc.identifier.citationEssimengane, B., Mushiri, T., & Mbohwa, C. (2016, September). Knowledge retention and stabilisation within OPRAG: A management must for the excellence achievement. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Detroit, Michigan, USA.en_US
dc.descriptionConference Paperen_US
dc.description.abstractOperations consist of the jobs or tasks composed of one or more elements or subtasks, performed typically in one location, whereby resource or data inputs are transformed onwards into desired goods, services, or results, and create and deliver value to the customers. This definition from Nagurney (2012) pleads that such transformation process calls upon the sustainable knowledge as an important factor and trick for the business decision-making process with the view of quality improvement. In this spite, Aiyer (2006) contends that the sharing of knowledge and experiences that veteran employees have acquired over time, is key to bridging the skills and competency gap that could exist within a diverse workforce in charge of the process above-mentioned. Hence, Knowledge Management is part of the winning strategy within the “Office des Ports et Rades du Gabon” (OPRAG) for achieving excellence in its daily management of operations. Still, additional efforts are required in order to build up a strong and stable Knowledge Management System in response to today’s challenges.en_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Managementen_US
dc.subjectOperations Managementen_US
dc.titleKnowledge Retention and Stabilisation within OPRAG: A Management must for the Excellence achievement.en_US
Appears in Collections:Mechanical Engineering Conference Papers

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