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dc.contributor.authorMoyo, S. R.-
dc.contributor.authorMaeland, J. A.-
dc.contributor.authorMunemo, E. S.-
dc.identifier.citationMoyo, S. R., Maeland, J. A. & Munemo, E. S. (2001). Susceptibility of Zimbabwean Streptococcus agalactiac (group B streptococcus',; GBS) isolates to four different antibiotics. Central African Journal of Medicine, 47(9/l 0), 226-229.en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: To establish the susceptibility of Zimbabwean GBS strains isolated from hospitalised patients to four antibiotics. Design: Cross sectional survey. Settings: Four regions of Zimbabwe (Bindura, Bulawayo, Harare, and Masvingo). Subjects: 113 GBS isolates from hospitalised patients in Bindura, Bulawayo, Harare and Masvingo, of whom most were suffering from infectious diseases. Main Outcome Measures: All isolates were tested for their susceptibility to clindamycin, erythromycin, penicillin and tetracycline. Results: All isolates were 100 % sensitive to clindamycin, 98 % to penicillin, 86 % to erythromycin; 2 % of the isolates showed intermediate susceptibility to penicillin and 100% showed resistance to tetracycline. Conclusion: Penicillin is still the antibiotic of choice for treatment of GBS infections and for intrapartum chemoprophylaxis in Zimbabwe. For patients who are allergic to penicillin, clindamycin will be the drug of choice for both treatment and/or chemoprophylactic use in Zimbabween_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectStreptococcus agalactiacen_US
dc.titleSusceptibility of Zimbabwean Streptococcus agalactiac (group B streptococcus',; GBS) isolates to four different antibioticsen_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Medical Microbiology Staff Publications

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