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Title: Best practices for intrapartum care in Zimbabwean health facilities
Authors: Zvandasara, P.
Munjanja, S.P.
Manase, M.
Magwali, T
Kasule, J.
Keywords: intrapartum care
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciences
Citation: Zvandasara, P., Munjanja, S. P.,Manase, M., Magwali, T., & Kasule. (2006). Best practices for intrapartum care in Zimbabwean health facilities. Central African Journal of Medicine, 52 (3/4), 46-47.
Abstract: Evidence-based interventions to ensure a good outcome during childbirth are widely available. Their applicability in various settings depends on local conditions and the resources available. Best practices during normal labour and delivery are described for Zimbabwean health facilities. Practices that have proved value are encouraged and those without benefit are discouraged.
ISSN: 0008-9176
Appears in Collections:Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Staff Publications

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