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Title: Use of packed red cells in a major hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe
Authors: Abayomi, E.A.
Zibwe, G.
Adewuyi, J.O.
Mandisodza, A.
Cakana, A.Z.
Keywords: red cells
Blood usage
Blood bank
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciences
Citation: Abayomi, E. A., Zibwe, G., Adewuyi, J. O., Mandisodza, A. & Cakana, A. Z. (1999). Use of packed red cells in a major hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 45 (3), 54-56.
Abstract: Objectives: To document the current pattern of packed red cell (PC) usage and the crossmatch to transfusion ratio (C/T ratio) in a major city teaching hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe. Design: Restropective, (audit). Setting: Harare Central Hospital, a 1 200 bed multidisciplinary hospital located in Harare, Zimbabwe. Main Outcome M easures: Amount of PC ordered and proportion collected for the year 1995. Quantity of PC used by different medical specialities. Results: In 1995 a total of 8 292 PC were collected from Harare Hospital blood bank. This translates to an average PC usage for a 1 200 bed hospital of seven units per hospital bed per year. Only 48.5% of PC crossmatched was collected with a C/T ratio of 2.1:1. Revenue loss of Z$478 434 is estimated to have occurred due to expired units and resource wastage from uncollected crossmatched units. The largest consumer of PC was the Department of Gynaecology, followed by Surgery and Paediatrics. Conclusion: Regular auditing of blood usage is recommended to promote the efficient use of PC in accordance with accepted international standards and local guidelines and practice.
ISSN: 0008-9176
Appears in Collections:Department of Haematology Staff Publications

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