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Title: Reference values for Urea, Creatinine and Electrolytes in Zimbabwean females
Authors: Marima-Matarira, H.
Keywords: Urea
creatinine levels
Caucasian females
African females
Issue Date: Jan-1986
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciences
Citation: Marima-Matarira, H. (1986). Reference values for urea, creatinine and electrolytes in Zimbabwean females. Central African Journal of Medicine, 32 (1), 21-22.
Abstract: The reference values for urea, creatinine and electrolytes were determined in sera of 460 African and 200 Caucasian females. All except creatinine levels are significantly different statistically. African females have lower limits for sodium, chloride while their upper limits are higher than those of Caucasian females. Reference values for potassium and anion gap are higher while those of urea and bicarbonate are lower in African than Caucasian females. The analytes reported here are closer to gaus- sian distribution than the liver function tests - described earlier (Matarira 1984b).
ISSN: 0008-9176
Appears in Collections:Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Staff Publications

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