Seminar Papers : [72] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 72
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1983-10The language of advertising and its socio- cultural implications for the consumerPongweni, Alec J. C.
1963-05-28The last days of the Empire of Mwene Mutapa 1898 to 1917Ranger, Terence Osborn
1971-11-06The abrogation of the Charter movement in S. Rhodesia, 1898 - 1907Lee, M. E.
2017-05J. S. Moffat and the Matebele, 1857 - 1865Austin, G. Verdal
1987-10-20Training intellectuals for independence: The case of Southern AfricaMkandla, Strike
1987-10-20Culture in Africa and imperialismMugo, Micere Githae
1987-10-20Working with intellectuals: A goverment perspectiveNdlovu, C. D.
1987-10-20Problems in third world countries of the working relationship between intellectuals and the stateNyong'o, Peter Anyang'
1987-10-22South Africa's strategy of destabilisation in Southern Africa: The Zimbabwe caseChimanikire, D.
1987-04-22Frontline states and Southern African regional response to Southern African armed agressionMakamure, K.; Loewenson, R.
1987-04-22International legal aspects of the confrontation between the Republic of South Africa and the Frontline states: Lesotho and the case concerning military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v United States)Baloro, John
1987-04-22Regional co-operation and imperialist penetration: A critical perspective of SADCCBwalya, Mulenga C.
1987-04-22Sanctions and the liberation struggles in Southern Africa: Theses and antithesis of imperialismGutto, S.; Hlatshwayo, B.; Nzombe, S.
1981-08-24Bishop Henry Mcneil Turner's countrymen: The Afro- American factor in Southern African EthiopianismChirenje, Jackson Mutero
2017-05The 1908 Asiatics ordinance in perspectiveKalsheker, Ali Mohamed Hassan
1987-04-22State power vs the multinationals: Mineral marketing policy in ZimbabweHerbst, Jeffrey
1987-10-20Non revolutionary intellectuals and neo-colonialismDavies, Rob
1987-04-22The impact of imperialism on Southern African womenSemakafu, Ave Maria
1988-04-22Strategies for delinking from imperialism: The case of small scale producers in ZimbabweHalimana, M. C.
1987-04-22Southern African responses to imperialism: The case of MozambiqueWanambisi, Saulo Busolo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 72