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dc.contributor.authorTswana, S.A.
dc.identifier.citationTswana, S .A. (1986). Hepatitis BeAg in Chronic Asympomatic Hepatitis B surface antigen carriers and in primary hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Central African Journal of Medicine, 32 (5), 113-116.en_US
dc.description.abstractA total of 246 HR, Ag - positive subjects were iSted for the presence of Hepatitis Bt, antigen, ad total anti-delta IgG. Of the 246, 174 were BsAg- positive asymptomatic chronic carriers nd 72 were primary hepatocellular carcinoma atients attending the two teaching hospitals, i.e. arirenyatwa and Harare Central Hospital. All sera were examined by the enzyme-linked nmunosorbent assay (ELISA), and results were :ad spectrophotomctrically at a wavelength of 92nnr 82 (33,3%) were HBcAg - positive. Of le 246,56 (39,4%) males and 26 (25%) females ad HBeAg present in the serum. However, the revalence of HBeAg from only the chronic symptomatic HB.Ag -positive carriers in males ad females was 17 out of 103 (16,5%) and 12 at of 71 (16.9%)). respectively—thus with an rerall prevalence of 31 (17,8%) from the symptomatic group. Consequently. the prevalence : HBcAg from the primary hepatocellular ireinoma (PHC) group was 32 of 72 (44,4%). he rate of positives from the males and females ’the PHC group was 46,2% and 42,4% respec- rely. Total anti-delta IgG was not detected in e 246 examined sera.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Zimbabwe, College of Health Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectHepatitis Ben_US
dc.titleHepatitis BeAg in chronic asympomatic Hepatitis B surface antigen carriers and in primary hepatocellular carcinoma patientsen_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Medical Microbiology Staff Publications

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