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dc.contributor.authorMushiri, Tawanda-
dc.contributor.authorMbohwa, Charles-
dc.identifier.citationMushiri, T., & Mbohwa, C. (2015). Machinery maintenance yesterday, today and tomorrow in the manufacturing sector. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, London, U.K .en_US
dc.descriptionWorld Congress on Engineering (WCE 2015) Conference Proceedingen_US
dc.description.abstractMaintenance is what is done in machinery to prevent failure or breakdown. In ancient times no proper planning was carried out to do maintenance with the idea behind being simple machines and easy to control. As time progresses people started to find out that it was necessary to safeguard equipment to reduce costs for continuous growth. Maintenance is best divided its phases by world war two due to the fact that everyone wanted to win the war so new ideas were coming from different scholars as to get back their resources and land. Before world war two, everything was done as per suggestions without any standards. In world war two it was order of the day to improve and starting to think outside the box in maintaining the existing machinery and equipment and also lastly nowadays the speed in improvement and advanced type ofmachinery is always being manufactured at a supersonic speed hence new technology in maintenance as well.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipInternational Association of Engineers (IAENG)en_US
dc.publisherInternational Association of Engineers (IAENG)en_US
dc.subjectworld war twoen_US
dc.titleMachinery maintenance yesterday, today and tomorrow in the manufacturing sectoren_US
Appears in Collections:Mechanical Engineering Conference Papers

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