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Title: Analysis of a gear train using finite element modelling
Authors: Mushiri, Tawanda
Mbohwa, Charles
Keywords: Gear train
finite element analysis
Issue Date: Sep-2015
Publisher: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society (IEOM Society)
Citation: Mushiri, T., & Mbohwa, C. (2015). Analysis of a gear train using finite element modelling. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Operations Excellence and Service Engineering, Florida, USA.
Abstract: Here the theoretical maximum contact stress is calculated by Hertz equation. Also the finite element analysis of spur gear is done to determine the maximum contact stress by ANSYS 14.5. It was found that the results from both Hertz equation and Finite Element Analysis are comparable. From the deformation pattern of steel and grey cast iron, it could be concluded that difference between the maximum values of steel and grey CI gear deformation is very less. The simulation results have good agreement with the theoretical results, which implies that the model is correct. This study provides a sound foundation for future studies on contact stresses. The model is applied onto commercial FEA software ANSYS. Simulation results were compared and confirmed by the theoretical calculation data. According to these results, we can draw the conclusion; it was found out that the numerically obtained values of stress distributions were in good agreement with the theoretical results.
Description: 2015 International Conference on Operations Excellence and Service Engineering Conference Proceeding
Appears in Collections:Mechanical Engineering Conference Papers

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