Political and Admin Studies Staff Publications : [14] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Formalisation of informal sector as a revenue generation strategy: the case of furniture manufacturers in Glen View, 2009-2016.Nyamhondoro, Faith
2017Formalisation of informal sector as a revenue generation strategy: The case of furniture manufacturers in Glen View, 2009-2016.Nyamhondoro, Faith
2017-02A critical assessment of the institutional, legislative and governance structure of Zimbabwe’s sovereign wealth fund.Matambo, Munashe
2015-03Rethinking the responsibility to protect (R2O) norm in promoting peace and security: Why in Libya and not Syria?Munengami, Fani
2016-05Peace and security implications of an increased American military presence in Africa: The case of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) (2007 – 2016).Mupiwani, Tinarwo
2017-02Small-Scale resettlement farmers and small grain production. Case of Dick Huck Resetlement Area, Mount Darwin District.Mushambi, Timothy
2017-01Civil society and the African Union: a critical analysis of the policy contributions of civil society and its interactions with the African Union commission (2002-2015)Mutasa, Charles
2017-05The implications of the resurgence of Russia as a Superpower on its bilateral relations with the USA. (2000-2016)Ndawana, Andrew
2015-03Reinforcement of military security in Africa: tha case of AFRICOMNyamukomba, Rudo
2015-03An analysis of trade facilitation challenges in Southern African Development Community (SADC) 2000 to 2014.Pasi, Itai
2016-03Dynamics and complexities of political conflicts and conflict resolution mechanisms in Africa: a case of South Sudan (2011-2015)Sibanda, Mhlomuli
2020-12Strategies of redressing colonial land imbalances in Southern Africa: Lessons from Zimbabwe’s land reform programmeMangwanya, Fulton Upenyu
2001From Interventionism to Market-Based Management Approaches: The Zimbabwean ExperienceZhou, Gedion
2000Public Enterprise Sector Reforms In ZimbabweZhou, Gedion
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14