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Title: Crop production in Zimbabwe's commercial agricultural sector; 1940 - 1979
Issue Date: Jul-1981
Publisher: University of Zimbabwe, Department of Land Management
Series/Report no.: Department of Land Management Working paper No. 6
Abstract: This paper traces crop production patterns in the commercial agricultural sector of Zimbabwe' from‘1940 to 1979. It is based on time series analysis of the data presented in ‘'Crop Production Statistics 1940 -1979K (Muir, 1981 b), The more important series have been presented graphically in this paper. Some historical information has been included in the analysis but the paper does not attempt a full historical record. Documentation on this period, is scarce and this paper attempts to highlight the factors responsible for the growth in crop production.
Other Identifiers: Muir, K. (1981). Crop production in Zimbabwe's commercial agricultural sector; 1940 - 1979 (Department of Land Management Working paper No.6). Harare: University of Zimbabwe, Department of Land Management.
Appears in Collections:Working Papers

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