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Showing results 21 to 40 of 3915 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1957-05Fractures of the Head of the Radius with Medial Displacement-
1957-05Intravenous Fluid Technique in Infancy-
1957-05Dermatitis gangrenosa infantum : A report of a caseGelfand, M.
1957-06Cancer of the Lung in Gwanda-
1957-09A Survey of Leprosy amongst the Lovale Tribe in the Upper Zambesi Basin, Northern Rhodesia-
1957-09Symmetrical Gangrene Occurring in a Female African Affected with Endomyocardial Fibrosis-
1957-09Relapsing Fever in Africa-
1957-09Consent to Medical Treatment-
1957-10The Surgical Treatment of Portal Hypertension-
1957-10A Survey of Leprosy amongst the Lovale Tribe in the Upper Zambesi Basin, Northern Rhodesia-
1957-11Subdural haematoma in infancy-
1957-11The Place of the Humanities in Medical Education-
1957-11Chronic Brucella Pyelonephritis with Calcification: Short Review of the Literature and Report of a Case-
1957-124-Aminoquinoline Prophylaxis of Malaria amongst Semi-Immune African School Children-
1958-01A clinical description of the main nutritional disorders encountered in the Salisbury native hospital in a series of 54 consecutive cases studied in 1954Miller-Cranko, John; Gelfand, Michael
1958-03Observations Upon the Oral Mucosa of the African-
1958-03Gargoylism in the African: Report of a Case-
1958-03Filariasis on the North Nyasa Lake Shore-
1958-03Typhoid Fever in the African-
1958-04Erythropoietic (Congenital) Porphyria in a Bantu Girl-