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Browsing by Author Kaseke, Nyasha
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2014 | Critical issues in destination (re)branding: Evidence from Zimbabwe’s national tourism organisation | Hurombo, Brighton; Muzondo, Noel; Kaseke, Nyasha |
2013-09 | Deposit-attracting strategies in the financial sector in a multi-currency setting: The case of commercial banks in Zimbabwe | Machona, Vinicent; Kaseke, Nyasha |
2015 | Financial distress and its repercussions on the manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe | Kaseke, Nyasha |
2013-09 | Marketing managers' perceptions of the applicability of Ashridge mission model to organisations in Zimbabwe | Muzondo, Noel; Gwavuya, Frank; Sai, Judias P; Kaseke, Nyasha |
2014 | Pensioners under the Zimbabwe defined benefit social security scheme: Are they losers? | Chikova, Henry N.; Kaseke, Nyasha |
2016-12 | Readiness of the Zimbabwe financial institutions to the establishment of Reverse Mortgages as a financial vehicle for the aged | Zvobgo, Chengetai; Kaseke, Nyasha |
2014-06 | Turnaround strategies choice and effectiveness: The case of the manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe | Zimano, David; Kaseke, Nyasha |
2016-01 | Zimbabwe stock exchange trading automation and its impact on the development of the local capital market: A Zimbabwean perspective | Musimwa, Romeo; Kaseke, Nyasha |