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"African Languages Lexical Project (ALLEX)" Project
ID: PRO 18 / 2002 |
3. mars 2005 |
Place and Date: | Signatures: | |
UiS Coordinator |
UiS Head of
Department |
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"African Languages Lexical Project (ALLEX)" Project
ID: PRO 18 / 2002 |
3. mars 2005 |
Place and Date: |
Signatures: |
UiN Coordinator |
UiN Head of
Department |
Yes: The terminological dictionaries have grown in size and complexity compared with the original plan. They will be published before the project ends in 2006, but not as early as originally planned. The corpora will be smaller than originally planned, but adequate for a) creating a corpus maintenance system, b) using the morphological parsers for language researhc purposes. The plan for the Advanced Ndebele dictionary is now downscaled to a plan for a revised and somewhat expanded General Ndebele Dictionary, to be published before the ALLEX project ends in 2006. |
First and middle name | Oddrun |
Last name | Grønvik |
Gender | Female |
oddrun.gronvik@iln.uio.no | |
Position | Researcher |
Degree | Cand. Phil. |
Home institution | University of Oslo |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Christian Emil |
Last name | Ore |
Gender | Male |
c.e.s.ore@edd.uio.no | |
Position | Reseacher, academic leader Enhet for Digital Dokumentasjon |
Degree | Dr. Scient. |
Home institution | University of Oslo |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Lars Jørgen |
Last name | Tvedt |
Gender | Male |
l.j.tvedt@edd.uio.no | |
Position | Senior engineer |
Degree | Cand. Scient. |
Home institution | University of Oslo |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Herbert |
Last name | Chimhundu |
Gender | Male |
chimhundu@arts.uz.ac.zw | |
Position | Director, Professor African Languages |
Degree | D. Phil. |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Esau |
Last name | Mangoya |
Gender | Male |
emangoya@arts.uz.ac.zw | |
Position | Research Fellow |
Degree | M.A |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Emmanuel |
Last name | Chabata |
Gender | Male |
echabata@arts.uz.ac.zw | |
Position | Research Fellow |
Degree | M.A |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Nomalanga |
Last name | Mpofu |
Gender | Female |
nomalanga.mpofu@inl.uio.no | |
Position | Research Fellow |
Degree | M.A |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Langa |
Last name | Khumalo |
Gender | Male |
langa@arts.uz.ac.zw | |
Position | Research Fellow |
Degree | MPhil |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Gift |
Last name | Mheta |
Gender | Male |
gmheta@yahoo.com | |
Position | Staff development fellow |
Degree | M.A. African Languages and Literature |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Nobuhle |
Last name | Moyo |
Gender | Female |
noxy_auree20042002@yahoo.com | |
Position | Research Assistant |
Degree | B. A. Hons African Languages and Literature |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Øyvind |
Last name | Eide |
Gender | Male |
oyvind.eide@muspro.uio.no | |
Position | Senior engineer |
Degree | Cand. Phil. |
Home institution | University of Oslo |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Rolf |
Last name | Theil |
Gender | Male |
rolf.theil@iln.uio.no | |
Position | professor Department of Linguistic and Nordic Studies |
Degree | Ph.D. |
Home institution | University of Oslo |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Kumbirai |
Last name | Mkanganwi |
Gender | Male |
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Degree | Ph.D. |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Caroline |
Last name | Rioga |
Gender | Female |
Position | Head of Section for Special Collections, University Lubrary |
Degree | MA |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Discontinued |
First and middle name | Peniah |
Last name | Mabaso |
Gender | Female |
Position | Research Assistant |
Degree | BA |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | William |
Last name | Zivenge |
Gender | Male |
zivenge@arts.uz.ac.zw | |
Position | Research Assistant |
Degree | BA Honours |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Deon |
Last name | Nkomo |
Gender | Male |
deeof@yahoo.co.uk | |
Position | Research Assistant |
Degree | BA Honours |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Daniel |
Last name | Ridings |
Gender | Male |
daniel.ridings@edd.uio.no | |
Position | Researcher |
Degree | Ph. D. Classical languages |
Home institution | University of Oslo |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Linguistic and literary terms dictionary |
Start | July-2002 |
End | December-2005 |
Description |
A Shona dictionary of linguistic and literary terms of ca 150-200 pages, 1500 headwords, with full and detailed definitions in Shona and glosses in English, for students and researchers. The purpose is to facilitate the transition to Shona as a medium of instruction in tertiary studies of African languages in Zimbabwe. The number of current headwords: 1378 (200 added). Definitions: 1146 (700 added). Manuscript in pages: 81 (50 pages added in 2004). During 2004 the work of consolidating this dictionary by cooperating closely with reference groups at tertiary education colleges in UZ, who are also anxious to contribute has continued, and it is now seen as an important natinal project that all important institutions have a share in. Database designed by C. E. S. Ore, UO. Editors and SRAs will continue work with a view to finishing the maunscript before the July 2005, and processing for publication will take place in the autumn of 2005. Responsible: H. Chimhundu, UZ; Oddrun Grønvik, UO. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Duramazwi reChiShona (revised edition) |
Start | January-2002 |
End | June-2006 |
Description |
The Duramazwi reChiShona was first published in 1996 and has been printed twice in a total of 7500 copies. As it is still not out of print, the revised edition is postponed to 2006, and comes second in priority to the Dictionary of linguistic and literary terms, cf sub project xxx Responsible: H. Chimhundu, UZ, C. E. S. Ore UO. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Musical terms dictionaries |
Start | January-2002 |
End | June-2005 |
Description |
The aim is to produce two parallel volumes of roughly 100 pages each (one for Shona and one for Ndebele), for the use of students and teachers at colleges and secondary schools, and for the general user. English will be integrated through indices. The Shona Musical Terms Dictionary for has in 2004 been edited by Gift Mheta. The Ndebele Musical Terms Dictionary for was edited by Cornelias Ncube until August 2004, when he left the ALLEX project at very short notice, cf point 1.1.2 above. The Ndebele MTD is now handled by Research Assistant (and M. Phil scholar) Dion Nkomo at ALRI, with the support of coeditors Mr N.N.Sibanda and Mr G. Mpofu, both at Joshua Mqabuko MKomo Polytechnic, Gwanda. At the ALLEX workshop in March 2004, an initiative was strengthen ties to a professional reference group for the work on the musical terms dicionaries, and contact with the Music academi of Zimbabwe was established. This reference group is large and has been very active. Thanks to their efforts and that of the editor the Shona MTD will be ready for publication in 2005. The definition formats were standardised in 2004, with detailed check lists for each term group to ensure consistency in the content description of each term. Work on the MTDs has overall gone very well in 2004, and the Shona MTD is approaching the stage of final revision. The Shona MTD editor will come to UO for a three month stay early in 2005 to finalise the manuscript for publication. Shona MTD: 1492 headwords (250 added), 1071 defined (320 added). 68 pages of text encoded. Ndebele MTD: 1227 headwords (380 added), 1209 defined (656 added). ca 76 pages of text encoded. The illustrations for the dictionary are done, cf sub project Image Corpus. Responsible: Database design and follow up by C. E. S. Ore, UO. Terminological issues, Oddrun Grønvik, UO. Shona MTD: Gift Mheta, UZ. Ndebele MTD: , UZ. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | General Ndebele dictionary (revised and expanded)(formerly Advanced Ndebele Dictionary) |
Start | January-2003 |
End | December-2006 |
Description |
The AND Style Manual was finished in January 2003, but is now being revised in view of the changed aim, see above. The General Ndebele dictionary (revised and expanded) now has 22718 headwords (300 added in 2004)(target: 25 000) and 21544 definitions. This will mean adding 2-5 000 new entries. Roughly 3000 empty entries are left over from the first edition. they are mostly old words that are known, but not properly documented, and may finally be omitted. The planned expansion is directed towards fulfilling school needs in particular. The revised and expanded GND will be ready for publication by the end of 2006. Jesta Masuku, who was on the staff for the GND first edition, has undertaken the editorial work in cooperation with the remaining Ndebele team. Jesta Masuku, formerly of the Department of african Languages, UZ, is now a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at ALRI. Responsible: Jesta Masuku (standing in for L. Khumalo); database design and follow up by C. E. S. Ore. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Image corpus for the African languages of Zimbabwe |
Start | January-2002 |
End | December-2006 |
Description |
The Zimbabwean artist, Mr. A. Chikwenya, has made 15 full page illustrations for the Biomedical terms dicionary, and finalised illustrations for the Musical Terms dictionaries. Responsible: Shona and Ndebele team leaders at ALRI, Øyvind Eide, UO. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | The Shona and Ndebele Bible |
Start | June-2002 |
End | June-2004 |
Description |
The Shona Bible is available for inclusion in the corpus. The Ndebele Bible is not yet ready, for capacity reasons. Including the Shona and Ndebele Bibles is the corpus will give the ALLEX Project a parallell corpus, which is a good starting point for bilingual lexicography. Responsible: Ndebele team leader at UZ, Daniel Ridings, UO |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Expanding and polishing the Shona and Ndebele corpora |
Start | January-2002 |
End | December-2006 |
Description |
Owing to staff shortage (cf 1.1.2), very little new text has been added in 2004. Ndebele corpus: Some additional materials collected in 2003 have been transcribed. Responsible: Shona and Ndebele team leaders, UZ, Daniel Ridings and Oddrun Grønvik, UO |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Oral collections database |
Start | January-2002 |
End | June-2004 |
Description |
1. Oral Collections registry database. The collections fall into to parts, materials collected in phase 1 and 2 (audio tapes, paper transcripts) and collections from 2003 onwards (digital sound recording, trancript into electronic file) Some of the missing items were digitized in 2004, but there are still some finalization left in order to have a complete record of all digitized versions and a list of which recordings are missing or damaged in analog (cassette) form so that no digital version have been created. A complete version of the database of the recordings are made availible on-site at ALRI premises for emplyees and visitors to use. It is installed on the server and gives access to the records of the tapes as well as the actual sound files at all of the PCs at the institute network. Maintaining research tools like the oral collections database is a longterm, routine task to be performed by highly qualified staff, which is essential to success for product-oriented sub-projects and to ALRIs agenda outside the ALLEX Project. Responsible: Mai Timbe, UZ, Øyvind Eide and C. E. S. Ore, UO. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Shona and Ndebele grammatical parsers |
Start | January-2002 |
End | June-2004 |
Description |
Work on the Shona and Ndebele morphological parser was started by Dr Ridings, and has been carried on in with assistance from ALRI staff members from both teams. Work on the Ndebele morphological parser started in 2001. The Shona morphological parser was put on the web in 2003 (http://folk.uio.no/danielr/shona-morphology.html). The Ndebele parser was put on the web at ALRI in March 2004, and will shortly be made generally accessible from UiO. Responsible: Shona and Ndebele team leaders, UZ; Daniel Ridings, UO. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Encoding the remaining oral materials (1993-97) |
Start | January-2002 |
End | December-2003 |
Description |
For Ndebele, the remaining oral materials collected in phase 2 are now encoded and are being tagged at ALRI. 78 files have been added in 2003. Some major historical works and the Ndebele Bible are being scanned for corpus inclusion. For Shona, the remaining oral materials have been encoded, but proofreading and tagging remain (labour consuming) stumbling blocks. 68 files have been added in 2003. The Shona Bible has also been added to the corpus. Responsible: Nomalanga Mpofu, UZ, Daniel Ridings, UO. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | ALLEX web page |
Start | June-2003 |
End | December-2004 |
Description |
In 2003, the ALLEX Project started planning how to organise its publications, collections and research tools for presentation through an interactive web page (located at UZ and UO and run internationally from UO for the time being). Rationale: The ALLEX Project now has produced three finished dictionaries from phase 1-2, two corpora and two morphological parsers. The oral materials have been digitised and samples can be made accessible. In addition ALRI has published its first terminological dictionary (outside the ALLEX Project) A Dictionary of Medical terms. The ALLEX Project has also photographed (and prepared photographic reprints) of three important works of Shona philology, i.e. C.M.Doke, (1931): "Report on the Unification of Shona Dialects"; Fortune et al, ca 1970) "Essays on Shona Dialects", and H. Chimhundu (manuscript 1983; photographic reprint 2002): "Adoption and Adaptation in Shona". All of these extremely rare books can be made available on the web. Information on the project, publications etc will also be presented through this web page. This sub project is inspired by the cooperation between the UZ University Library and ALRI. Responsible: Gift Mheta and Justice Chikomwe, ALRI; Mrs Caroline Rioga, UZ Library (until April 2004); Øyvind Eide, UO. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | African Linguistics Research Conservation |
Start | June-2002 |
End | December-2006 |
Description |
In 2004, The following got done: Essays on Shona Dialects (ed. G. Fortune) was reissued in a reprint of 100 facsimile copies. Doke's Report on the unification of Shona has been prepared for publication, and a full Introduction with a Shona summary (75 pages) written by professor Chimhundu. Samukele Hadebe has handed in his dissertation for publication with a five page Ndebele summary. Caroline Rioga sadly passed away in the spring of 2004 and has not been replaced. Responsible: H. Chimhundu (ALRI); Oddrun Grønvik (UO). |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Researcher training |
Start | January-2003 |
End | December-2006 |
Description |
The purpose of this sub-project is to ensure that ALRI UZ has the necessary competence in computational linguistics after 2006 to carry on without outside support. In 2002, The ALLEX Project invited applications from all interested and qualified candidates for three Ph. D. scholarships in computational linguistics, with topics from Zimbabwe's African languages. The applicants had to be prepared to do preliminary training in order to qualify for Ph. D. studies at UO (sandwich programme). Applicants were assessed and ranked by a UZ committee with members from outside ALRI. The three candidates who ranked the highest were all ALRI staff members, cf candidates' list. The three selected candidates applied for places in UO Arts Faculty Ph. D. Programme in the spring of 2003. Two were accepted (June 2003), one was turned down but encouraged to work more on the project description. Emmanuel Chabata and Langa Khumalo took up their places at UiO in January 2004, and went hom for their middle year at UZ in December 2004. Emmanuel Chabata got a Norwegian quota scholarship from January 2004. Books, field work, conferences etc are financed by the ALLEX Project. Langa Khumalo was financed by the project from January 2004, but was informed before the end of the year that he has a quota sacholarship from January 2005 onwards. Books, field work, conferences etc will continue to be financed by the ALLEX Project. While at UiO, both completed the coursework required by UiO and gained the 20 points they needed. Emmanuel Chabata has worked closely with his UiO supervisors Dr Ridings and Professor Theil, and has drafted five chapters of his dissertation. He has started preparations for his field work, i.e. has his Nambya materials organised in a small corpus and started preparing questionnaires for field work. Langa Khumalo has worked closely with his UiO supervisors Dr Ridings and Professor Theil, and has drafted four chapters of his dissertation. He has planned his field work for the middle year at UZ and made some further preparations. Nomalanga Mpofu submitted a reworked application in february 2004. She was accepted as a participant in the UiO Arts Faculty Ph.D. progamme and will come to Norway to take up her place in January 2005. She will be financed by the ALLEX Project, but will renew her Quota Programme application for 2005. Joint supervisors for all three are Dr Kumbirai Mkanganwi (UZ); professor Rolf Theil and Dr Daniel Ridings (UO). Contact person UO, Oddrun Grønvik. |
Status | Continuing |
Title | Shona Children's Dictionary (SCD) |
Start | January-2004 |
End | June-2006 |
Description |
The Shona Children's Dictionary (working title: SCD) is the last of the three general Shona dictrionaries under the ALLEX Project, the previous being thew Duramazwi rechishona (1996) and the Diramazwi Guru ReChishona (2001). The SCD will be a dictionary for children aged 10 to 14, containing not more than 15000 headwords, and adapted for the age group. There will be less formal detail, less cross referencing, rendering of grammatical information in full, more focus on definitions and usage examples, presented for the age group in question. This dictionary will specifically aim at assisting in school work, and this will show in the headword selection. A certain amount of term creation in cooperation with teachers is necessary. Reference groups of teachers and personell at Zimbabwean teacher training colleges are particularly important for the success of this dictionary. The style Manual is based on the Style Manuals for the former Shona general dictionaries, with necessary emendations for the target group. At the end of 2004, the SCD had 14700 headwords, 5220 entries defined and the manuscript ran to 266 pages. The UZ editorial staff worked at UO as guest researchers 15.9. - 12.12.2004, and essential progress on the SCD was made in this period. Responsible: Editor UZ Esau Mangoya. Editorial assistant UZ Peniah Mabaso. UO: Oddrun Grønvik. Database: Christian-Emil Ore, UO. |
Status | Continuing |
First and middle name | Nomalanga |
Last name | Mpofu |
Gender | Female |
nomalanga.mpofu@inl.uio.no | |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Connection to home institution | Permanent |
Degree to be pursued | Ph.D |
Degree to be awarded by | University of Oslo |
Study period | 2005 - 2006 |
Training model | Sandwich |
Status | Enrolled |
Finance | NUFU |
Main discipline area | Humanities |
Sub discipline area | 010 Linguistics and Languages |
Executive summary of thesis work | The proposed project will look at adjective in Shona. An adjective has been defined as a word that modifies of qualifies a noun. Definitions of the adjective in Shona have been from the structural angle and as such not many adjectives have been identified for Shona. The study will show that there are other word categories that can function adjectivally though they may not be true adjectives in form. The studys contribution to knowledge will be its redefinition of the adjective in Shona. The study will also define word class categorization versus grammatical function. The project will be corpus-driven and it will make use of the ALLEX-ALRI Shona corpus for its raw data. The study will use of the Cognitive Grammar theoretical framework. Cognitive grammar takes categorisation as its central principle. Cognitive models such as prototypicality, family resemblances and markedness will inform this study. |
Student report | Nomalanga Mpofu submitted a reworked application to the Ph.D. Programme for Linguistics at the Arts Faculty UiO in february 2004. She was accepted as a participant in the UiO Arts Faculty Ph.D. Progamme in June 2004, and will come to Norway to take up her place in January 2005. She will be financed by the ALLEX Project, but will renew her Quota Programme application for 2005. Nomalanga Mpofus three-year course will take her up to the end of 2007. |
Supervisor UiS | Senior Lecturer Mr Kumbirai Mkanganwi, Department of Linguistics, University of Zimbabwe |
Supervisor UiN | 1 Professor Rolf Theil Endresen, Department of Linguistics, University of Oslo 2 Dr. Daniel Ridings, DOK, Arts Faculty, University of Oslo |
First and middle name | Emmanuel |
Last name | Chabata |
Gender | Male |
echabata@arts.uz.ac.zw | |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Connection to home institution | Permanent |
Degree to be pursued | Ph.D |
Degree to be awarded by | University of Oslo |
Study period | 2004 - 2006 |
Training model | Sandwich |
Status | Enrolled |
Finance | Quota programme |
Main discipline area | Humanities |
Sub discipline area | 010 Linguistics and Languages |
Executive summary of thesis work |
The proposed study is in the area of morphology. Specifically, the study focuses on the derivational morphology of the verb in Nambya, one of the indigenous minority languages spoken in Zimbabwe. Nambya is closely related to Shona (the researchers mother tongue) in a number of ways, such that, at one point, Doke (1931) treated it as an unimportant dialect of Shona. According to Hachipola (1998:66), over fifty thousand people who are physically located in Hwange district in Matebeleland North (north-western Zimbabwe) province speak Nambya. The proposed study seeks to discover ways in which Nambya verbs are built and/or structured. It will explore and expose the internal structure of the Nambya verb and will show how derivational processes relevant to the verb work in this language. The research will also explore and expose semantic and/or syntactic changes that are caused by respective derivational operations on the Nambya verb. Examples of the sort of questions to be addressed on the nature of the verb stem in Nambya include: (a) where does each derivational affix occur in the stem and with which functions? and (b) which suffixes co-occur and in which orders? In addressing such questions, the researcher will use an approach that takes into consideration morphological, semantic as well as syntactic factors. The assumption adopted here is that in Nambya, like in many other Bantu languages with complex morphologies, affixes may not be combined freely, but rather are subject to different kinds of sequential constraints. |
Student report | Emmanuel Chabata took up his place at UiO in January 2004, and went home for their middle year at UZ in December 2004. He got a Norwegian Quota scholarship from January 2004. Books, field work, conferences etc will continue to be financed by the ALLEX Project. While at UiO, Emmanuel Chabata completed the coursework required by UiO and gained the 20 points he needed. Emmanuel Chabata has worked closely with his UiO supervisors Dr Daniel Ridings and Professor Rolf Theil, and has drafted five chapters of his dissertation. He has started preparations for his field work, i.e. has his Nambya materials organised in a small corpus which is on the web (http://folk.uio.no/danielr/africanlang.html) and started preparing questionnaires for field work. |
Supervisor UiS | Senior Lecturer Mr Kumbirai Mkanganwi, Department of Linguistics, University of Zimbabwe |
Supervisor UiN | 1 Professor Rolf Theil, Department of Linguistics, University of Oslo 2 Dr. Daniel Ridings, DOK, Arts Faculty, University of Oslo |
First and middle name | Langa |
Last name | Khumalo |
Gender | Male |
langa@arts.uz.ac.zw | |
Home institution | University of Zimbabwe |
Connection to home institution | Permanent |
Degree to be pursued | Ph.D |
Degree to be awarded by | University of Oslo |
Study period | 2004 - 2006 |
Training model | Sandwich |
Status | Enrolled |
Finance |
NUFU Quota programme |
Main discipline area | Humanities |
Sub discipline area | 010 Linguistics and Languages |
Executive summary of thesis work | The proposed study is in the area of morphology in general, which is viewed by Crystal (1991) as the branch of grammar, which studies the structure, or forms of words, primarily through the morpheme construct. The study specifically focuses on morphology which deals with the processing of words and word forms, in both their graphemic, that is, written form, and their phonemic, that is, spoken form. It has a wide range of practical applications. Natural languages have intricate systems to create words and word forms from smaller units in a systematic way. The study particularly focuses on two very productive morphological processes, which is Ndebele derivational and inflectional morphology. |
Student report | Langa Khumalo took up his place at UiO in January 2004, and went home for his middle year at UZ in December 2004. Langa Khumalo was financed by the project from January 2004, but was informed before the end of the year that he has been granted a Norwegian Quota scholarship from January 2005 onwards. Books, field work, conferences etc will continue to be financed by the ALLEX Project. While at UiO, he has completed the coursework required by UiO and gained the 20 points he needed. Langa Khumalo has worked closely with his UiO supervisors Dr Daniel Ridings and Professor Rolf Theil, and has drafted four chapters of his dissertation. He has planned his field work for the middle year at UZ and made som further preparations. |
Supervisor UiS | Senior Lecturer Mr Kumbirai Mkanganwi, Department of Linguistics, University of Zimbabwe |
Supervisor UiN | 1 Professor Rolf Theil Endresen, Department of Linguistics, University of Oslo 2 Dr. Daniel Ridings, DOK, Arts Faculty, University of Oslo |